Horizon Overview

Horizon Desktop End-to-End Performance Analysis

Cluster Contention Analysis

Horizon Site Connectivity Analysis

Horizon User History Report

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** Dashboards can be demoed in the VMware TestDrive environment: https://portal.vmtestdrive.com/
Content Release Notes:
This content release includes a number of Dashboards, Views, and Super Metrics designed to take advantage of the User Interface enhancements in the vROPs 8.x platform, providing richer and more visually impacting insight into the overall health, performance, and consumption of your Horizon View deployment.
Compatibility: All content was created on the latest vROP 8.0 platform, so it has only been tested to work with this specific version. The Super Metrics are most likely to work with older versions such as 7.5, but the Views specifically have configurations options that were not available prior to vROPs 8.0.
With vROPs 8.0, only Horizon Adapter 6.7.x is fully supported, so make sure that your Horizon View environment is compatible with the vROPs for Horizon 6.7.x adapter.
Compatibility Matrix: https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/sim/interop_matrix.php#interop&
Conditions: All content provided is on an as-is basis, and should be validated and tested before use in production environments.
*It is recommended that you import and configure the provided Views and Super Metrics before importing the dashboards. Examples of how to do so are provided in previous posts.